training your mind to transform your body
“In my 30 years of teaching nutrition and exercise I have learned that training the mind is the key to training the body. Over-training, under-training, eating, compliance, discipline, work ethic, overcoming adversity, focus and confidence - all begin in the mind. We need to create new habits and overcome our personal adversities so that the mind, body, and performance can change. Neuroplasticity is the ability to change your brain’s wiring and habits. This is the key to our training.
Since 1985, exercise, nutrition, and mental health have been our focus at Performance Incorporated. Our program's 'bio-psycho-social' model looks at the whole person, a state of the art method of treating fitness for performance-oriented clients and athletes. We understand your total needs and provide customized individual strategy focused on healthy eating with a training program geared toward helping you to actualize your own best "fit" self.
We design training tools to enhance the quality and duration of your life through coaching, exercise, nutrition, yoga and lifestyle change. We empower each client to learn and incorporate these skills independently into everyday life to encourage growth of strong mind and body.
We empower you; we give you the ability and insight to impact all aspects of well being. Our program targets your specific needs, budget and learning style. Every client is given a full assessment, treating each person as an individual with their own needs and goals. We focus your mind to optimize your body through our teaching and coaching techniques.
Performance Incorporated began in 1985. Founder, Joe Garafolo, building on 8 years in private practice, formulated a unique program based not only on exercise but also on nutrition and lifestyle. Today, Performance Incorporated includes a whole team of professionals, schooled in these well honed principles working together with a mantra to deliver and improve quality of life.
Each quarter we offer the following internship programs on a rolling admission basis. These candidates work “hands-on” to experience real-world problems and solutions in the following fields.
Exercise Science
Social Media
Business Administration